Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Just Beautiful.

My friend came over to let me have a play at photographing her beautiful person!
I love the results! Of course, there are images which I have chosen not to share, as she would like to keep things bit private.. (who can blame her! )

I am so glad we got the time to take these images. Something special to show her grandchildren, one day. How beautiful she once was.

How gorgeous she is now!

Flower Fairy (Fae)!

Gosh, I adore finding these! I have taken images of pretty flowers and, after using my "flip it" action, found these extraordinary images which I like to call my flower fae!

 This is what the original "flipped" canvas looks like.
 I am particularly fond of this one. Maybe because she has tears.

A day at the beach

Gosh it's been , like, forever since I blogged! That's pretty bad, if you asked me! To make up for it, I will inundate you with a whole lot of stuff! LOL.

Firstly, for the new year I went to middleton beach with my friends. Here are a few snapshots of the time I spend with the girls!

Middleton Beach, South Australia. Sunset. Jan 2014