Friday, 9 October 2015

Close your Eyes

Sometimes, when your eyes are closed, you can see your dreams. Ever so clearly.

The waft of Spring.

" But now it was spring again, and spring was almost unbearable for sensitive hearts.  It drove creation to it's utmost limits, it wafted its spice-laden breath even into the nostrils of the innocent. "

― Knut Hamsun, Dreamers

Hidden Places In Hahndorf

Hidden places, in the Adelaide Hills. A little spot we go past every day on the way to school. In spring, it is filled with beauty and delicate blossoms, to delight the eye and make the heart swell.

The Red Flowers

When I was a little girl we had a huge 10 acre field behind our house. I spent a lot of my childhood there. It was wonderful. I would get up in the morning, at the break of dawn, (which my daughter now does, and it drives me crazy, just like, I am sure, it did my own mother! ) and I would venture out into my very own private world.

It consisted of high grass, a creek, huge gum trees, pine trees to climb and native shrubs, a big rock pile which usually had a cubby built within its formation, big logs and two ex racing horses, who became pretend unicorns that came from the land beyond the rainbow. 

And in spring the entire field was covered in these red, white and occasional burgundy flowers.
 I absolutely love them. They always make me feel like home. 

The paddock is gone now. It was transformed into a housing estate, at a time when I was moving from child into adult. It somehow felt like the passage of youth. I spent many days cursing that big yellow bulldozer, and crying about my childhood, ending so abruptly and in such a cruel way. That my playground, of childhood dreams and fantasies, of fairyland, flying kites whilst lying in waist high grass, making tunnels and creating adventures with the neighbourhood children. Of sneaking out at night, while the rest of the world was sleeping, to lay in the grass, feeling the soft wind blowing, the gentle warmth of darkness and stare up at the universe, overwhelmed with the feeling of love for the earth. It used to fill my soul and make me shed tears of wonderment and joy, and it was coming to an end.

That is why I love them so much. The memories of my childhood. So rich, colourful and bright.  Never, ever forgotten.

Plum Blossoms.

I am going to have so many plums this year!  Pretty darn exciting!  I love plum and peach jam, and if the bees and the weather align, I just might get a bucket load of each!

The canola fields

There are flowers blooming. And living in the Adelaide Hills, we get to enjoy so many variations of colour. Sometimes found in a huge field, of yellow and green. The flight of butterflies and the buzz of the bees. Canola as far as the eye can see. And dark skies above, ready to burst with a spring shower. 
And this sweet child of mine, standing in the middle of it all.

Simple things

Still no roses, but they are not too far away.
A quiet time, for me, waiting for the change.

There is a wonderful feeling, when the flowers are almost ready to burst. Like waiting for christmas, and the opening of the presents. Spring time, such a special, pretty time of the year.